The first class A office building in Rzeszów - Corner Point

Rzeszów will have its first Class A office building, called Corner Point, built in spring 2025. This building will be located at the intersection of Cieplińskiego and Zygmuntowska Streets. The Corner Point building will be certified at the LEED GOLD level. Corner Point will consist of 6 000 sqm of office space and will have 6 floors. Retail and service units are planned on the ground floor. Under the building there will be two floors of underground garages and bicycle parking spaces.

The planning of the construction of the Corner Point office building in Rzeszów lasted several years. Initially, the investment was supposed to start in 2021, but the need to change the concept of the project due to the impossibility of developing the neighbouring plots postponed the completion date. The final vision for Corner Point underwent significant changes. The new office building design took on an elegant black look.

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