Green buildings - BREEAM 

Full coordination and delivery of the process would be done by our Project & Development Services team consisting of Chartered Engineers in the fields architecture, structural engineering, electrical engineering, building services. Jones Lang LaSalle’s team of LEED® Accredited Professionals (AP), BREEAM Assessors and BREEAM In-Use Auditor have the underlying engineering and/or project management skills to evaluate the LEED® and BREEAM assessment, to develop the roadmap and to execute the project management to achieve LEED® and BREEAM certifications. Energy and Sustainability Services
- LEED® and BREEAM Gap Assessments for new and existing buildings
- LEED® certification and consulting – LEED for New Construction & Major Renovations, LEED for Core and Shell, LEED for Commercial interiors,
- LEED® certification and consulting for existing buildings – LEED for existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance
- BREEAM® Certification and Consulting for new office buildings
- BREEAM In-Use certification and Consulting for existing buildings
- BREEAM® certification and Consulting for commercial areas.
BREEAM is established in 1990 the British building assessment system. It was and is used to certify newly established buildings and urban planning assumptions as well as guidelines for existing buildings and urban developments.
Depending on the type and function of the set real estate: the plot of land or building is assessed on a scale point in 10 categories.
Earned points are converted into percentages, which in turn are multiplied by the weight assigned to each category and depending on the type of the evaluated building.
Won points in each category are then added together resulting in a score of 6-point scale:
- < 30% - non-certified,
- 30-44% - satisfactory,
- 45-54% - good,
- 55-69% - very good,
- 70-84% - excellent,
- 85% - outstanding.
Most points it is possible to win in the categories of energy (21) and the least in the category of water (6).
The great advantage of the system is that it is used worldwide because of the flexible adapted to the climatic conditions and the law regulations of each country.
U.S. LEED Rating System and the British BREEAM assessment are the most important green buildings certificates in Poland. In fact, there are many systems to assess compliance with the principles of sustainable development. Selection and application of an appropriate system is an important element in designing the new facility construction. The building with certificate is a prestige, not only on national stage but also international one.