fairy tales by JLL on Children’s Day

A Meeting with a Christmas Tree

Robert Sadło


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Nothing brings out the spirit of Christmas like a brightly decorated, fragrant Christmas tree. But what will Szaruś the kitten think about it? What happens when a small fluffy paw touches a prickly branch? What about the red baubles?

Narrator – Tomasz Olszewski
Szaruś – Jakub Sylwestrowicz
Magda – Anna Bartoszewicz-Wnuk
Mruczuś – Agata Sekuła

Anna Bartoszewicz-Wnuk

Anna Bartoszewicz-Wnuk

Head of Workplace Advisory

Agata Sekuła

Agata Sekuła

Head of Retail Investment CEE

Jakub Sylwestrowicz

Jakub Sylwestrowicz

Head of Tenant Representation

Tomasz Olszewski

Tomasz Olszewski

Head of Industrial Agency CEE

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