Lublin extends its office space
Lublin office space is bound to be enhanced by seven new investments, which are integrated with the solutions of Lublin Development Strategy for 2013-2020. The city will be enriched with 145,700 sq m ...
Technic Park A is one of two buildings planned for Technic Park Phase I. It provides 2900m2 of modern, A-class office space on 3 levels. The buildings are air-conditioned and have, among others, raised floors, suspended ceilings and fibre optics. Technic Park provides also 200 parking spaces.
Technic Park is located in the Felin district, Dobrzańskiego 7 street. Its direct neightbour is the Lubelski Park Naukowo-Technologiczny (Lublin Park Science-Technology). Technic Park's location is well communicated with city center and enables fast access to city's ring road.
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31B Tomaszowice Kolonia, Lublin
Office space: 1 371 sq m
Lublin office space is bound to be enhanced by seven new investments, which are integrated with the solutions of Lublin Development Strategy for 2013-2020. The city will be enriched with 145,700 sq m ...
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