JLL and ABSL to cooperate together for another year

JLL supports ABSL with identifying the latest trends, including those related to the working environment.

JLL, a leading real estate advisory agency, has been acting as a Strategic Partner for ABSL - the largest organization in Central and Eastern Europe associating investors from across the business services sector - for a decade.

This cooperation includes consulting services regarding trends in the office real estate market, including analyses related to designing working environments that will respond to the increasingly diverse needs of employees in the business service sector. In addition, JLL actively promotes ABSL in contacts with external partners and participates as an advisor in the meeting of the ABSL Management Board as well as conferences and industry meetings throughout Poland. It also presents the latest research and provides market analyses for ABSL reports.

Anna Młyniec

Our team has been working closely with ABSL since its inception. Over the last ten years we have had a chance to observe how much the business service sector and the profile of employees of companies in this sector have changed and how much they influence the office market in Poland. Today, business service centers can have employees from four generations, all characterized by different attitudes towards modern technologies, new work models and the way office space is designed. And we already know that the office is one of the strategic elements influencing the brand image and contributing to employee satisfaction. We are glad that we will be able to support ABSL along with member companies in this area for another year.

Anna Młyniec

Head of Office Agency and Tenant Representation, JLL

“The mission of ABSL is to develop the potential of the modern business services sector and create conditions for its continuous growth throughout Poland. Our goal is to build a competitive and sustainable economy, supporting the development of both business and investments. In such implementations we are accompanied by JLL, a leading real estate consulting agency. The industry is developing rapidly, all thanks to the involvement of our strategic partners, such as JLL. Together we are able to define the challenges facing the market and try to meet them by offering innovative solutions. Furthermore, it is also worth noting that thanks to JLL, companies from the business services sector, which face the necessity of leasing office space and locating a team, are able to receive reliable data and analyses related to the design of working environments”, underlines Marcin Nowak, President of the Board, ABSL.

JLL is a leader in representing companies from the business services sector in real estate and the first consulting company in Poland to recognize the potential of the sector as one of the fastest growing branches of the economy. In recent years JLL has advised business services companies on transactions totaling ca 600,000 sqm, including J.P. Morgan, Ericsson, Credit Suisse, Accenture, Shell, Lionbridge, UBS, AstraZeneca, Cisco, Stanley Black & Decker, GSK, Hargreaves Lansdown, IBM and many more.

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