An innovative Less Waste office

The first ecological office was designed in Poland. The concept of Less Waste office aims at designing space from recycled, ecological materials. The idea of zero waste often appears in contemporary topics, both private and business.

The concept of a sustainable office is to reduce its negative impact on the surrounding environment and the planet. It is estimated that the average office life cycle reaches five years, after which the furniture and the entire arrangement end up in a landfill, which could be compared to the life cycle of the plastic shopping bag.

Designers of the 3R circular office (reduce, reuse, recycle) have implemented an innovative approach proving that commercial space can be aesthetic, functional and environmentally friendly at the same time.

Over 1,000 sq m of space was constructed in 80% from recycled, ecological materials or second-hand components. Among the 3R office equipment, the following materials were used: biodegradable films, glass, natural cork, ecological paints, used furniture, bricks, plants, felt panels from processed plastic packaging and recyclable liners.

It is worth noting that sustainable design is the future in architecture, thanks to which we can take care of our natural environment and create a better future.

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